Order Traffic From Our Co-Op:

Discounted Pricing For Payment Via CashApp:

$190.00, 300 clicks

$290.00, 500 clicks

$560.00, 1,000 clicks

$1,120.00, 2,000 clicks

Discounted Pricing For Payment Via Zelle:

$192.00, 300 clicks

$293.00, 500 clicks

$566.00, 1,000 clicks

$1,132.00, 2,000 clicks

Discounted Pricing For Payment Via Money Order:

$190.00, 300 clicks

$290.00, 500 clicks

$560.00, 1,000 clicks

$1,120.00, 2,000 clicks

Regular Pricing For Payment Via Credit Card:

$205.00, 300 clicks

$315.00, 500 clicks

$610.00, 1,000 clicks

$1,220.00, 2,000 clicks

CashApp Payment Instructions:

Simply send the appropriate amount to:

$AlanCosens (ajcosens@gmail.com)

Or CLICK HERE to open QR payment code.

Put "Traffic Co-Op" in the subject line.

Zelle Payment Instructions:

Simply send the appropriate amount to:


Put "traffic co-op" in the description/comment.

Money Order Payment Instructions:

Simply send the appropriate amount to:

Alan Cosens

P.O. Box 2187

Goodlettsville, TN


Credit Card Payment Instructions:

You'll need to complete a credit card authorization form first. You'll need to download print, sign, scan or take a tight pic of the completed form, then send to me at alancosens@gmail.com. Traffic will not start until I receive the completely authorization form.

Co-Op Terms:

Most of the income comes from back-end sales, as you can see below. Thus, upgrading your account is highly recommended before buying traffic:

PLS Commissions

 You can log in and upgrade HERE.


There are NO REFUNDS any any purchases of co-op shares. Once you pay, those funds will be allocated to advertising and will be spent.

There are no guarantees of sales or income, only clicks. As with any advertising results can vary. You will get the number of clicks you ordered as a minimum. If you get tons of sales and make tons of money, that is the result you get for your business. If you buy clicks here and you get NO SALES and NO INCOME that is also the result you get in your business. Your advertising for your business is up to you to determine. This co-op is an OPTION for you. You are welcome to find your own ad sources. If you are going to come back later and complain about results you got or didn't get, or anything else other than the number of clicks you ordered, don't bother to purchase.

The ad sources/vendors used for any co-op run will not be disclosed.

The ad copy used will not be disclosed.

The time-frame for delivering your clicks can vary.

No claims are made here as to speed of delivery, though typically it takes several days.

Admin participates in every co-op run with you so we have as much interest in making these successful as you do.

As with any advertising for any business, results always vary. You can run one co-op today an another tomorrow and get totally different results.

It is up to YOU to convert any leads you get from this co-op into sales.

It is up to YOU to maintain any customers/subaffiliates you get from this co-op. In other words, if they stick with you and purchase every month for years and years, that is your responsibility. And if they quit before their trial is over, that is also your responsibility. It is not the job of Admin or ALAN COSENS to build your business for you, or to manage your team, etc.  This is only a traffic co-op that will send visitors to your landing page. That is all it is.

If you think you are entitled to have others build your business, to manage your business, to deal with your down-line for you, to handle your team retention or attrition, or any other aspect of your business, do not participate in this co-op. All that stuff is up to you, as it is for any business owner.

If any part of these terms is not 100% clear to you as to meaning, do not participate in this co-op.